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My Holiday ‘Grace Space’

Shortly after my Maddie died, the ‘festive holiday season’ came around and {believe it or not} I was not in the holiday spirit. I just wanted my baby there to experience her first Christmas. But, I tried to put on a brave face so that no one knew what was really going on inside my […]

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Sitting in the Suck

This week was a tough one my friends. I knew it would be, I anticipated it, and I made arrangements to be able to do what I needed to do to make it through….and it was still tough.You see. Wednesday, May 19th was my Madelyn’s birthday, and the next day Thursday, May 20th was the […]

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Grieving Through the Holidays

The holidays are gonna be weird this year. I don’t think there is any way around that. We won’t be traveling like usual. Events will be shorter, smaller, and mostly outside. There will be far less hugging……but, if I’m being honest…they’re not that much different from the decade worth of holidays that came before it […]

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You’ll be FIIIIIIIIIIIINE: Impact Bias & the 3 Month Rule

I haven’t really talked about it a lot lately…but…Over the last several weeks (Ok, like all summer #thanksCOVID) I’ve been compiling amazing information, research, examples, and exercises around grief, resilience, happiness, and mindfulness. I actually found an amazing series of books by the Harvard Business Review that has sent me down the research rabbit hole…and, […]

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I can’t be the only one…

…or maybe I am…My mind is in a constant state of information overload and I’m perpetually maximized. I thought I was a decent human being…but I’m second-guessing every action I’ve ever taken. I even feel like I’m having an out of body experience: an outsider looking in.I’m paralyzed with responsibility and opportunity.I’ve started writing my feelings […]

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Grief And The Gratitude Rug

We live in a crazy time right now. There aren’t really even words to express the myriad of emotions I’ve been through in the last five days of mandated social isolation thanks to Coronavirus. {If we’re getting honest I’ve been basically self-isolating since February 28th so I’m getting pretty good at this.}That being said, I’ve […]

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Terrible, Thanks for Asking.

I’m a podcast lover…ok, I’m a podcast binge-er. {…I devoured Serial in 2 sittings, Ted Radio Hour is on constant loop in my car…} But, I’d put off listening to Terrible, Thanks for Asking.Why? I think the answer is in the title. It’s about a real woman who has real {hard} conversations with other real […]

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Lead Vests and Soap Bubbles

I promise, stick with me…Yesterday was the 9th anniversary of my Madelyn’s death. I don’t care how well I’m ‘handling it’ leading up to May 20th – this day sends me into a tailspin and I go deep into my mind rethinking everything that was done {and not done} during my pregnancy, in the hospital, […]

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