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2022: The Year of Simplicity

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This year, I’m living by the word simplicity. I realized there were so many things in my life that truly didn’t bring value and I was making everything harder and more time-consuming than it needed to be! Yes, it does sound similar to my 2019 world ‘Declutter’ – and there are a few similarities – but it’s so much more than that.

I’m going to think through the things that I do to decide if they really need to be done…and if they do need to be done, am I doing it the most efficient way possible? Do I really need 3 waffle irons? That ‘Negative Nancy’ “friend”? The stockpile of e-quotes to share on social media? Those’ very important papers’ that have been crowding my desk, and mind, for the last 4 years?

…probably not…

I’m going to automate and delegate the things that I can. I’m going to prioritize me. I’m going to stop and smell the roses from time to time.

What do I really need {and want} in my life? More meaningful connections with family and friends and experiences unencumbered by the day-to-day BS we seem to think is more important than memories.

So I invite you to:

  • choose your own word to live by in 2022 – or steal mine 😉
  • unfollow some ‘friends’ on social media that don’t ‘fill your cup’, and
  • add back a little extra self-love too!


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