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Have you thought about adopting?

Is what I WANT to say each and every time I’m asked this question {which, believe me, is way more often then it should be}.Asking an infertile mother if she’s thought about adoption is like asking a cancer patient if they’ve thought about getting a second opinion or asking a vegetarian if they’ve thought about […]

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The Window

I found a writing exercise today that I was so completely drawn to it that I couldn’t NOT write. I was given this picture and told to ‘just write’. I immediately saw myself in the window: both AS the window and BEHIND the window. I think many of us who have lost a child {or anyone […]

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St. Joe to Nebraska City…

It was almost exactly nine years, to the day, that I made this trip the last time. I wasn’t alone last time I traveled north on I-29 from St Joseph to Nebraska City – but déjà vu crept eerily into the car until I couldn’t handle the weight of it any longer.Before 2009 I had […]

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Something I never thought I’d do again…

It just about gave me a panic attack. I actually had to sit down and take big, deep breaths (in through the nose, out through the mouth)…I went to back to the fertility clinic. Not because I need their services but because the doctor I followed around the country is back in Kansas City and […]

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