Hello Lovely,
I’m happy to meet you and sorry for the reason we are meeting.
I used to lay in bed for days on end – feeling sorry for myself and detesting everyone who had the life I thought I wanted. I was mad at the world for letting my baby daughter, Madelyn Elizabeth, die – blaming anything and everything I could…and taking it out on everyone that dared cross my path. I was allowing my story to make me bitter. I was living a miserable life – and making everyone around me miserable too.
If you’re waiting for someone to ‘fix it’ for you – like I was – you’ll be waiting a long time.
Nobody cares about your well-being as much as you do. No one cares if you’re miserable unless you’re making them miserable.
Yes, it is true. You will never go back to the ‘happy’ you once knew – but that doesn’t mean you can’t find joy and gratitude in the world around you. I mean, if I can do it so can you!
I used to let the events and circumstances of my life dictate my misery – living in the past, ruminating over everything that went wrong. I took no responsibility for my ‘today’, it was always someone or something else’s fault.
You’re a smart cookie, you know you shouldn’t be living in the past – but emotions will overpower logic every. single. time.
If you feel guilty for grieving your loss, like I did, you’re not alone. I really thought there was something wrong with me for feeling the way I felt for so long. I was often told I should be ‘moving on by now’ but I still didn’t want to get up off the floor. I thought I needed to stay grief-stricken to show people that my daughter mattered – and I bet you feel that way too.
I want to tell you a ‘secret’:
There is a way through your emotions! Most people think their emotions are the enemy – something to squash down and bottle up. But, if you sit with your emotions, befriend them, listen, they will quit rearing their ugly heads at the most inopportune times.
Let’s explore your emotions together. Let’s move forward (not on) with your life. Let’s Feel Your $&*@# Feels.
Let me show you how I was able to befriend my emotions and find my ‘better’.
The Full-sized Feel Your $&*@# Feels Experience is the new multi-week program designed to allow you to ‘sit in the suck’ while helping you feel ALL your feeling. We’ll take a dive deep and ‘Marie Kondo’ the cr@p outta your emotions: we’ll dump them all out on the bed, inspect them, see what still brings value, thank those that don’t for their service, release what we no longer receive benefit from, and tidy up and organize what is left. {I mean, if it’s good enough for our underwear and waffle irons it’s gotta be good enough for our wellbeing too.}
There is actual {and really cool!} science behind resilience, happiness, mindfulness, and joy. But, when you’re in deep grief you don’t have the capacity to explore it yourself. You want to be spoon-fed sometimes.
Your small group of new friends in loss will come together for short daily sessions, activities, and exercises with bi-weekly virtual conversations that will provide you real-world tips and tricks to help you get through the day, hour, or even minute…until your coping mechanisms make way for comfort and solace strategies.
Together, we will ‘Remember. You’re not alone.’

This experience {because using ‘program’ or ‘class’ doesn’t give it the umph it needs} will be officially launched to the public later this year but you can get early VIP access and help add the finishing touches!
What makes The Feel Your $&*@# Feels Experience Different?
Pretty much everything grief-related falls into one of two buckets:
- The super stuffy, can’t pronounce half the words used (let alone explain them), need a PhD to even get through the Table of Contents bucket and,
- The ‘pray the pain away’, don’t question your higher power, you can’t control anything so just accept it bucket
I really can’t relate to either side completely and I bet you can’t either. Those who fall in the middle of that spectrum, like me, want things spelled out for them and also would like to believe we have a little control over our life…right?
Feel You $&*@# Feels goes right down the middle: showing you how to understand and take responsibility for the things you can control while accepting those you can’t. There’s no ‘one or the other’ here.
Who is The Feel Your $&*@# Feels Experience For?
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is NOT for you if you want to be mad at the world for what has happened to you.
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is NOT for you if you want to be the ‘guest of honor’ at your personal pity party.
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is NOT for you if you believe your higher power, alone, will make everything right.
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is NOT for you if you aren’t willing to have a laugh now and then – between your tears.
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is NOT for you if you can’t appreciate an ‘artfully crafted 4-letter word’ on occasion.
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is PERFECT for you if you know all about the stages of grief and feel they are nowhere close to representing the roller coaster you’re on…you wanna toss that d@mned book out the window.
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is PERFECT for you if you’ve “tried everything” and nothing seems to resonate as a way to help you move forward.
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is PERFECT for you if you’re done being miserable and you’d like some guidance on your path to joy and a new normal.
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is PERFECT for you if you’re ready to do the dirty work to ‘sit in the suck’ and find your way towards your new happy.
Feel Your $&*@# Feels is PERFECT for you if you feel you don’t have the support you need to begin to heal.
What should you do now?
When it comes to your mental health it is so easy to put it off til later. I know: I was one of them that put off taking care of me for years because I thought I could just push it down and it would go away.
Little did I know, one day I wouldn’t have the option to put it off any longer. I couldn’t shove my feelings down any longer – they were affecting every aspect of my life, mentally and physically – and started springing out like that snakes in a can prank.
I’m sure you’re thinking ‘Now’s not the right time…’ You have too much going on, you’ll get around to it later, there are so many other things I need to take care of first…
Let’s be honest: we both know there will be no ‘perfect time’. We have to MAKE the time.
Now is the time to take care of you: You can’t pour from an empty cup so take care of yourself first! Learn the skills you need today and have them for the rest of your life.
There are TWO FYFF options to choose from:
Choose 1 or choose both! {Click on the image to get more details.}
Want to know what’s part of the BITESIZED experience?
Our experience is:
- Roughly one 3-hour workshop
- Can be in-person or virtual
- Discussion, discovery, and activity based
- Less work and less you have to do on your own 😉
- A ‘reader’s digest version of the full experience; briefly touching on each of the key points
- {Self}Compassion
- Emotions and Logic
- Mindfulness
- Resiliency
- Gratitude and Happiness
Want to know what’s part of the FULL SIZED experience?
Our experience is:
- Roughly eight weeks
- Cohort-based AND go at your own pace
- Short daily video sessions with occasional homework assignments
- Bi-weekly ‘in-person’ virtual check-ins to help answer questions, talk through sticking points, and to hold you accountable to yourself
- Lifetime access to the video sessions so can move forward on your own schedule…if the experience feels a little overwhelming at first (It’s A-OK if it does, you’re grieving – you need to begin to heal at your own pace).
Our sessions are broken into 6 parts:
❤️ Part 1 contains discussions around emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
- The words we choose to use are very important. We’ll break down the concepts – and the words themselves – so we have a strong foundation to build upon.
🧡 Part 2 contains discussions centered on our fears, regrets, and expectations, around what we have lost and our lives moving forward.
- We will actually spend time ‘sitting in the suck’ of your yucky feelings {a vital piece to begin the healing process}
💛 Part 3 contains discussions and ideas around {self} compassion and contentment.
- We need to know what we’re striving for and where we’re aiming to have a chance of getting there.
💚 Part 4 contains discussions and exercises around resiliency.
- It can be learned…but we can’t have it if we don’t know what it is.
💙 Part 5 contains talks and information about empathy and happiness.
- It is so much more than just painting on a smile and telling everyone “I’m fine.”
💜 Part 6 our final section, has everything you ever wanted to know about gratitude.
- Will take everything we’ve talked about – tie a pretty yellow bow on top – and work to apply it to our lives going forward.
And, of course, there is more!
In case 8+ hours of video sessions, 1-on-1 and group meetings, activity-based exercises, and love and support from fellow grievers isn’t enough for you – I have lots of extra goodies to share.
Audio and video-guided meditations designed specifically for you {$49 value}
Full-color, in-depth, print on demand workbook {$49 value}
Additional resource guide including a reading list and curated videos ($19 value}
Gratitude Journaling in 6 minutes A Day workshop {$59 value}
So much more – you’ll just have to wait and see!
Be the first to experience ‘Feel Your $&*@# Feels’!
Join the Sharing Solace family to know before anyone else when a new cohort of FYFF is starting {and be sure to check the updates box too!}
Curious about the differences in the experience options?
Use the table below to find the best choice for you!
Bitsized $&*@# Experience |
Virtual $&*@# Experience |
Physical $&*@# Experience |
Premium $&*@# Experience |
Behind the Scenes Content |
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Premium $&*@# Swag |
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Entrance into The Full-Sized Feel Your $&*@# Feels Experience |
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Downloadable Print on Demand Workbook |
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Lifetime Access to The Feel Your $&*@# Feels Experience |
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Printed and Bound Workbook |
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Metal Tumbler with Experience Logo |
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Signed copy of Confessions of a Griever OR paperback Gratitude Journal |
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Hardcover Gratitude Journal |
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Choice of Necklace or Keychain Token+Locket set |
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