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…Silver Linings…

Forums Loss of a Child …Silver Linings…

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      • Crystal W

        This may sound crazy and a little self-indulgent…I want to hear your silver lines from your tragedy. I’ll start:

      • Crystal W

        I’m so very thankful that we found out that Madelyn wouldn’t survive at 32 weeks pregnant. Any earlier and we would have had to make some very VERY hard decisions (with no right answer). Any later and we wouldn’t have been able to ‘know her’ as our Madelyn Elizabeth.

        • Christi S

          Every aspect in life has a silver lining if you look, but itโ€™s hard during the darkness. Silver lining: we for sure wouldnโ€™t have Noah if I hadnโ€™t lost baby #1. I also was scared to death about getting pregnant that first time and losing that baby made me realize I really DID want it.

          • Crystal W


      • Jes T

        I am thankful that I got to know you better because of my infertility and that by being part of the foster care system, the hubby and I got to love two littles for 16 months. It confirmed that we wanted to be parents and would do what ever it took for us to be able to do that.

        • Crystal W


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        ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

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        Silver Lining:

        Similar to yours, Crystal. We didn’t have to make the decision if Robby would receive support from the NICU. The doctor said no, and at the time I was furious. It wasn’t until Delphine was in the NICU that I had a respiratory therapist tell me what would have happened to Robby- and it ended with us most likely having to make the tough decisions. It took me a long time to realize that it was better to have the doctor to blame than myself.

        • Crystal W

          I’m sure I would have had the exact same response as you Amanda. Mad at first because my decision was made for me…but then I would (probably) eventually come around to realize the right decision was made for me – and kept me from having to make tougher decisions…

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Forums Loss of a Child …Silver Linings…