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Forums Loss of a Child Anniversaries

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      • Crystal W

        Today has been 8 years. Normally I do pretty well and stay positive but today is the one day of the year getting out of bed is a ‘no go’…

      • Participant

        Anniversaries always get me. No matter how well I think I’m doing, his birthday comes around and it hits me in the gut  😥

        • Crystal W

          And it’s not always just birthdays either…

          • Participant

            That is very true. There are so many dates/milestones that are difficult, and a lot of times they just creep up on me.

          • Crystal W

            Yes! Like the first day of school for me…It’s funny, I just wrote a journal about a situation sneaking up on me to knock the air out of me…

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Forums Loss of a Child Anniversaries