Programs and groups are wonderful and all…but sometimes you want a little more. Grief isn’t cookie-cutter so why should your support be?
Crystal and the Sharing Solace family are here to support you, privately and personally, as you choose your unique path towards healing. You use our time together however it best serves your soul – exploring the topics and questions that are most pressing to you.
Some potential topics to explore may include:
Coping – finding ways to get through the day, hour, or minute
Comfort – finding long term peace with your experiences
Healing – allowing your emotional wounds to scar over and the pain to ease
Managing – your emotions and the expectations of those emotions
Finding – hope when you feel there is none
Unpacking – dissecting how your yesterday is shaping your today and tomorrow
Permission – giving yourself the space and grace to care for yourself

This type of support is right for you if:
- You don’t want to continue living your life waiting to die {but, maybe, don’t know how to move forward}
- You want your grief and life experiences to make you a better person (not a bitter one)
- You’re ready to be mindful regarding your path towards your new happy
- You understand that you will never ‘get over’ your grief, and also want to learn to carry it as effectively as possible
- You want to believe ‘everything happens for a reason’ – and you also kinda wanna throat punch anyone that says that.
- You’re ready to feel better equipped to handle your day to day experiences and emotions
What you can expect from me:
- A private, quiet space just for you and me
- The support and encouragement to feel all your feels
- Deep respect and understanding for your situation and experiences
- Proven ways of exploring & healing your heartbreak
- Evidence-based exercises and activities to move through your pain
- A holistic approach towards finding peace and contentment in your new happy
- A dash of levity to lighten the load
How our time together can best serve you:
- We find 60-90 minutes to steal away so you can focus on just you {session packages are also available – a single chat is not always enough}
- Bring a warm beverage (or a hot toddy) and a question/feeling/situation you want to explore
- We walk at your comfortable pace; exploring and unpacking the areas of your life that speak to you in the moment
- When our time together is through, you will feel more connected and present in your life and ready to put one foot in front of the other to move forward
From the mouths of others: