
A little COVID-19 can’t stop us from celebrating Madelyn
Elizabeth’s birthday! We’ll just move it online and make it

EVERY 10-year-old girl deserves a birthday party – and a pretty pink birthday cake to match! Just because Miss Maddie is watching
down on us and social distancing is “a thing” this year and has put the ‘kabash’ on our in-person party it isn’t going to break our spirit!
Join us online May 19th, 2020 starting at 6pm CST.

This party is for anyone feeling the isolation and loneliness of grief (yes, even the grief of losing your spring plans thanks to
Coronavirus). Join us to honor your grief – no matter what you are grieving. We’re going to show you can you grieve and find
happiness at the same time!

We have ALL KINDS of surprises up our sleeves. Of course, there will be:

  • Special Guests
  • Story Readings
  • Party Games
  • Birthday Cake
  • Giveaways
    • Obviously Sharing Solace goodies + others too!
  • LOTS of other goodies

                               Or Get Your Copy of ‘Confessions of a Griever’ Now                             


Wanna know a little more about the book?

Grief Sucks, but you don’t have to. Part memoir, part self-help, part choose your own grief guide; this cheeky and honest book takes a hard look at society’s view of grief and flips it the bird.

If you’ve encountered a traumatic loss (of any kind) and you want to use your experiences to make yourself better (and less bitter), then the sugar-coated platitudes everyone gives you just won’t cut it.

In Confessions of a Griever: Turning a Hot Mess into an Haute Message (Laughable Lessons for When Life Just Sucks),
Crystal helps readers understand:

  • Why you should ‘Go Duck Yourself’
  • Why you should ‘Do More Good Sh!t’
  • How ‘You’ll Set Yourself Free’
  • That ‘My Grief Can Beat Up Your Grief’
  • That ‘There is No Right Way to Grieve’

This book will help you realize that grief is grief—however you experience it. Everyone experiences it differently and everyone feels crazy while living through it. You’re NOT crazy and your feelings ARE normal. You just need to embrace the ride and ‘Remember. You’re not alone.’

Want the first two chapters delivered straight to your inbox?

                               Click here for the first two stories                             

Or, listen to it here:

Make sure you RSVP to get the super secret Birthday Book Bash link so you can join in the party:

Meet the Author:

Crystal Webster is the founder and Chief Solace Officer of Sharing Solace – and most importantly, she is Maddie’s mama. Sharing Solace is a community of grievers for grievers; melding tangible gifts and meaningful community to help those grieving ‘Remember. You’re not alone.’

Her story of infant loss and infertility is not unique; at the same time, she found herself lonely and debilitated from the grief. She felt compelled to write her debut book in the hope that her adventures in loss, grief, and mourning would encourage others to share their stories, no matter what their grief. Her quirky, irreverent style pulls readers in and creates a safe space to just feel their freaking feels.

For media inquiries please contact Info@SharingSolace.com or phone +1 (913) 390-3920‬

                               Get Your Copy of ‘Confessions of a Griever’ Now                             


Why May 19th? It’s on a Tuesday!?!?!
Well, in true mom form ‘because I said so!’ The real answer? Madelyn’s would-be 10th birthday is May 19th, 2020. Even before I started writing this book I knew something special would happen for her birthday.  When the book and birthday timelines collided, I took it as a cosmic sign the official book launch and birthday party HAD to be one and the same and on her special day.
How do I get all the special goodies
To be sure you get all the party favors and goodies be sure to RSVP (above) and pre-order your book (above or here) by May 1st. You’ll get your signed copy + party favors + any other goodies you have coming to you before the birthday party.
What if I pre-order my copy after May 1st
I promise {promise, promise} to get you your copy as quickly as humanly possible, and I’ll even ‘toss in’ some goodies as well. I just can’t promise that you’ll get your package in time for the party – and the goodies are first come first serve once they’ve been ordered – so I can’t promise you’ll get all the goodies…
Can I still come if I don’t pre-order a book?
Abso-freaking-lutely!! EVERYONE is invited to the par-tay. That being said, if I’m not mailing you a copy of the book,  I can’t mail you the party favors. BUT, I’ll also be raffling away at least one copy of the book to someone that attends 🙂
Can I order my book through Amazon and still get the goodies?
Unfortunately, no. For a couple of reasons. 1) the book is only available for early delivery (prior to the official release date of May 19th) on SharingSolace.com 2) books purchased through Amazon are fulfilled by Amazon so I don’t even know that you purchased it. The goodies come directly from me and can’t be shipped to Amazon.
I have more questions!
Dang, I really tried to answer them all!  Just send me a quick note here and I’ll answer any questions you have!!

Don’t forget to RSVP to the party!!